Monday, December 20, 2010


I can remember my heart was recovering from it's first shattering
And you were something that quieted my brain's chattering
You came by, all smiles and we spent time once again
I wonder if you knew that us being just friends was about to end;
We were one embrace from change;
And yet, none of it felt strange
You looked to me for that familiar hug at my door
Lost myself inside your arms and couldn't ignore it anymore.
Your gaze told me you knew this was bound to happen
Put your lips on my lips and ignited a new kind of passion
One I had never experienced before;
One I'd remember and crave forever more

I can remember you driving 300 miles
Bringing me presents and kisses and love through the night
We were secret lovers; you stole my lips, I stole your heart
Like magnets not much could keep us apart
We used to laugh and walk through campus speaking of music and each other
We'd crack jokes and discuss hopes of one future, but ended up in another

I can remember when we'd argue, years into our bliss
I'd feel neglected or you'd need space or I was just being a bitch
Either way you'd call and apologize,
Sometimes bring me roses to ensure my smile
Maybe I didn't show my appreciation, but I was grateful you were my mine
I tried to show you whenever you and I had our alone time

I can remember road trips down to Virgina's shore
We damn near bought out the liquor store
But ended up crashing side by side in drunken bliss
Ending the night with nothing more than a kiss
That's ok we needed nights where we just enjoyed each other's company
We had PLENTY of moments where we enjoyed each other physically
From a quickie on top of your car right in the middle of the street
To 3 hour sessions sexin with R.Kelly on repeat

I can remember music holding secrets that still only we know
Christion telling me to just leave my love and take off my clothes
Art of Noise giving us moments after we did 4 play 3 times
I'm not saying you were perfect, but at your best you were mine
Now I know we've both grown and we're probably better off
But if you wanna know how I felt it's just like that, and etcetera, etcetera...

I can remember it ending, but not because the love wasn't there
But we were young, and our problems too heavy a load to bare
Life changing decisions made in the presence of fear
For a while I would use a smile to cover the tracks of tears
We said goodbye but the energy kept drawing us together
So the next few years were spent mimicking the weather
Hot, cold, wet, dry,
Cool and clear or volatile.

I can remember when I knew we were really done
Years later and still wondered if you were the one
But I was holding on to some version of a different life
We'd grown apart and that's not wrong, even if it's also not right
Our separate paths cross again and again
You're not a stranger, lover, or friend
You're the evolution of someone I once belonged to
A memory faded into the background of a song I knew

I find myself humming it every now and again
But it doesn't sound the same to me now, as it did then.

"Raindrops keep falling on my head...." 
