Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I will love you.

I will love you. 
And when you feel like being light
I will bask in your glow
And when you feel like being dark
I will not cast light on your shadow
But when you are dark and want to be light
I will battle until you get there.
In your happiness, I can be content
But so in your sadness, I will not judge you
I will not ask you to change to be the version of you I love most
I will love each variance with equal passion
And do for each what is needed
For you have accepted my beauty as well as my beast. 
This, of all things, is the greatest gift anyone can give or receive in love.
I will not ask you to change
I will not ask you to hide
I will not ask you to suppress 
I will not close my eyes to any of your sides.
I will stare into your corners and never falter
I will not feel shame for you. 
When the truth is bare and exposed I will not look away.
I won't pretend you're perfect or make excuses for your pain. 
When there's nothing left to strip away or do,
Enveloped in this raw honesty, 
This is how I will choose to love you. 
