What's a broken heart?
It's nothing but a damn good reason for a better start.
A reminder that this world will always try to tear you apart.
So you can let it, or you can take heed to the lesson taught.
Broken hearts serve as filters for your reality
Floating on cloud 9 all the time impedes clarity
Only way to appreciate comedy is to endure tragedy
We only place value on life because of mortality
This truth is from the girl who was in love with a lie
From a girl flawed in ways you can't see with your eye
She owns a heart that's been rebuilt over and again
Each time the structure gets harder to bend
Like the will of a champion vs. the wants of a fool
Equally motivated, but only one comprehends the rules
You can only conquer what you first thoroughly understand
Each defect as important as each brilliance of a plan.
So while you learn to fly, you have to learn to fall
Right has no meaning if you never felt the consequences of Wrong
So yeah, I've been hurt...but I own that like badges of knowledge
Each time I'm willing to try again? That's just proof of my courage
I cried a river, built a bridge, then got the fuck over it
And while I forgave, there's no time for that do-over shit
A broken heart is necessary for its connection to pain
I no longer hide; I dance in the rain
So when the sun shines I don't neglect its embrace
Or take for granted the warmth of each ray on my face
My broken heart is preparing me
So when the love that's for me comes along...
I'll be ready.
#WaitForIt > Soon Come My Yoot!
I wasn't expecting the words to be so positive becuz of the title but u are a genius with expression and the poem speaks from the heart beautifully!
thank you kindly :o)
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