"Girl he's not even worth your tears!
Be strong; he already got you for too many years!
Don't give him another second of your energy or time,
You're too beautiful and talented to waste on his kind
He's a dog! He's a player! You can do better, and that's real!"
....Could you please shut the fuck up and give my heart a chance to heal?
I'm sorry. I know that you're just trying to help
I know you're trying to help me unfeel what I felt
But really? I need a chance to process this pain
Because despite what you think, I really loved what's his name
I know you never understood how I could fall for his type
But MY heart and MY love doesn't have to make sense in YOUR life
I'm not a child. I don't need you to fix what's now broken
That's my responsibility alone, all I need are your arms to be open
I just need to be able to talk to my friend
I just need you to listen and not say a thing
I don't need you to judge the tears I'm going to cry
And say "how could you be sad over that kind of guy"
That kind of guy wrote me the most beautiful words
That kind of guy's touch made me forget how to hurt
I don't need you to make me forget about the nights we lay in pleasure
I don't need you to parade new men and force me to choose, compare and measure
So don't tell me to ignore the weather.
If it's raining let me feel it so I know what it's like to be wet
Let me see the clouds form and the skies darken; the sun is NOT out....yet.
I will not drown in sorrow. I will not become consumed by this moment
But if I don't first hold it how can I ever let go of it...
There isn't a magic phrase or word you're going to say to make this better
So don't try; if this girl wants to cry, just let her.
I need to be honest to myself and feel what I feel
So when I do smile again, you'll know I'm keeping it real.
wow! this shit is so dope! amazing word play Neicy! XO
This is so true! I love your compilations of words. Bravo!
thanks guys!
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