Monday, March 1, 2010

I love him

He looks at me with beautiful brown eyes that are just like mine
His whole little body's comforts and joys, expectations and needs found between our gaze
He holds me hostage with no chain. For him I'm a willing slave.
He coos orders; his cry is like a crystal bell I run to answer
For that one perfect smile in that one perfect moment in time
I'd run through Hell...
10 little perfect toes
1 little perfect nose
I call him my perfect gift; my Love's truest wish.
There is no better feeling than my beating heart comforting him into a deep sleep
His tiny hands resting on my chest
I'm spoiling him - I know.
I should lay him on his own, maybe run some errands while the time is my own.
But I'd rather stay in this zone.
Perfectly still I let the sound of his breathing secure my happiness.
These are the moments I'll miss when time marches him through his terrible twos, his confusing adolescence and his angry teenage years.
Time is so cruel. I close my eyes and pray that maybe these seconds can be longer than the rest.
Give me just a little more time to enjoy this.
As much as I want to stay in this quiet perfection, I want to wake him so I can see his eyes go bright at the sight of me.
I want to recognize his father's smile when his cheeks go up in innocent bliss.
No words spoken from his little mouth.
That's how I know love isn't something you receive with's something you feel.
My being bursts with the love I feel for and from this tiny angel.
This perfect gift.
My Love's truest wish.

I don't have any kids but, it is my greatest wish to someday be a mom.


Don said...

Held with no chains ... a willing slave.

Not only did I enjoy this read but I also felt your sentiments. Nicely expressed. I have no doubts that you pulled this from your heart.

One sweet day you will be a mother I am sure.

Amen @ That's how I know love isn't something you receive with's something you feel.

Neicy Marie said...


thanks Don....
