That feels so good
It's like...
You knew just...*ooh* find...*damn*...that...*aah*...feeling
Or did you put it there as I was lying here unaware
You're so damn good at this...I don't even care.
Eyes closed I feel my breathing get irregular and light
Deep sighs because everything you're doing is right
Every ounce of insecurity is dripping from sight
I don't wanna catch my breath I wanna chase it through the night
Exhale more times than I mean to, but I need to, 'cause I feel you..
...and I feel too.
That's more than I expected when I opened the door
More than any part of my body was even hoping for
I just wanted a distraction and a little bit of heat
Now I'm stuttering your name until the dawn finds me asleep
Or maybe finds you still deep
Now look what you've done
Look what you've begun
Look at the web you've spun
Look how these waters run
How'd you know that if you kissed me there I'd re energize?
Or that a touch right there would tense the muscles in my thighs?
Oh damn girl don't cry,
I know he's taking you high
The air is thin up here, your brain is no longer clear
Now I no longer hear any of the voices of fear
It's just you
Sweet salty caramel coated strong sweaty rock hard (good lord!) you
And me.
Soft supple slippery curvy bendy tender (i need you to remember) me
It's been so long since I've felt so free
You made the transition seem so easy
You just don't know what you do to me.
I just got a Chubby > Have a Good Night!
oh boy what that did to me.... that was very caliente NICE!!!
#wowzers! Owwwwww! Niceeee!
I neeeeeeed a cold shower.... Owww!
Hot and steamy...
I gotta stop reading this stuff at work...I'm sure they're watching my computer..LOL U should totally submit an entry in my moms erotic lit anthology.
And I supposed you are aware of what poetry like this does to us?
Good stuff. Seductive.
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